Advanced Airport Scanners to Simplify Security Procedures | Alicante Airport

Advanced Airport Scanners to Simplify Security Procedures

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Essential Information for Travellers

Several countries, including the UK and Spain, are adopting advanced scanning technology at airport security. These new scanners can provide detailed images of bag contents without requiring the removal of items. So, what is the current situation? Must passengers still take out liquids and electronics at airport security, or has this requirement changed?

Inconsistent Rules Across Airports

Currently, the answer varies depending on the airport. Some airports have implemented the new technology, while others are still using the old systems. Consequently, passengers might encounter different rules at different airports. Some may still adhere to the old regulations, while others have relaxed the liquid limits with the new technology.

Advancements in Scanning Technology

The new scanners employ computerised tomography (CT), offering significant improvements over the older X-ray technology.

Enhanced Security Features

Old Scanners:

  • Traditional X-ray scanners generate 2D images of bag contents, requiring security staff to interpret flat, layered images.
  • Heavily reliant on manual interpretation, leading to longer inspection times and a higher risk of human error.
  • Difficulty distinguishing between different materials, sometimes resulting in false alarms and additional checks.
  • While effective, these limitations can make detecting potential threats more challenging.

New Scanners:

  • CT scanners produce detailed 3D images, providing a more comprehensive view of bag contents. This makes identifying and assessing items easier without unpacking the bag.
  • Utilise advanced algorithms and automated threat detection, quickly and accurately identifying potential threats, reducing the need for manual checks.
  • Offer better material discrimination, allowing for more accurate identification of different substances and reducing false positives.
  • Provide a higher level of security with clearer and more detailed images, making it easier to detect a wide range of threats, including explosives and prohibited items.

Improved Passenger Experience

Old Scanners:

  • Require passengers to remove liquids, laptops, and other electronics from their bags to be scanned separately, slowing down security screening.
  • The process of removing items from bags and re-packing afterwards can be cumbersome and stressful for passengers.

New Scanners:

  • Allow passengers to leave liquids and electronics in their bags, speeding up security screening and reducing waiting times at security checkpoints.
  • This simplified process is more convenient and less stressful for travellers, reducing the risk of items going missing.

Where are the new scanners already in use?

United Kingdom

The new equipment is already in place at the following UK airports:

  • Teesside
  • Newcastle
  • London City

The following UK airports are expected to introduce the changes in June 2024:

  • Birmingham
  • Luton
  • Bristol

Many of the larger airports, such as London Heathrow, London Gatwick, and Manchester, are not expected to fully implement the changes until 2025.


In Ireland, the following airports have already updated their systems:

  • Shannon
  • Donegal


In Spain and especially in Alicante, passengers will need to wait a bit longer for the changes. Barajas Airport in Madrid and El Prat Airport in Barcelona will be the first to receive the new equipment, however, the installation at Alicante Airport is not scheduled until 2026.

Changes to Security Procedures at airports with CT scanners

With the introduction of the new scanners, the following changes will be implemented:

  • Travellers will no longer need to remove laptops, tablets, and liquids from their hand luggage.
  • The 100 ml liquid limit and the requirement for liquids to be placed in a separate plastic bag will end.
  • Travellers will be allowed to take up to two litres of liquid through security (please note: some airports with the new scanners currently have different liquid limits in place).

Until the new technology is fully rolled out, passengers should check the latest guidelines for their specific airport or airline before travelling.

Existing Liquid Limits

For information on the existing liquid limits and security screening procedures, please see our page Baggage Allowances & Regulations and Security Check at Alicante Airport.

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